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AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Lightner Joint Venture, et al will sell their farm machinery and equipment at ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION on Tues. May 14th at the farm headquarters -- go 10½ south of Hwy 50/83 Jct in Garden City, then 8 miles east & 1½ miles south.   Most of the equipment and tools were purchased new by the Lightner family. It has been sheltered and well maintained during its lifetime making this an OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE LOW HOURED MACHINERY AT AUCTION.   Due to the enormous number of tools, parts, accessories and other items that can be difficult to find such as the mig welder, lathe and other high-end tools, we will run two rings throughout the day so be sure to bring a friend!  WE WILL START @9:00 AM SHARP on the tools and accessories, HELICOPTER WILL SELL AT 12 NOON CST, followed by the tractors, combine,  loaders, trucks and farm equipment.

     ALL PURCHASED EQUIPMENT MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE SALE SITE WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF SALE DAY.   There will be a sales representative at the auction site between May 7th & May 14th. There will be a forklift at the sale site for two weeks following the auction.

Call TRAVIS WEAVER @719-342-2997 for more information! See you at the sale!



Sale Bills

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Land Map

Soil Map


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